I love playing video games and I know how bad they can be for children. There is a lot of violence in video games and many people feel that children should not be allowed to play them. However, I disagree; I feel that video games can be useful for children.
Yes children in elementary school should not play Mature rated video games but it does not mean that all video games are bad for them.
With the increase of obesity I do feel that video games should be timed and children should play them for less than half an hour a day. However some video games can be played for longer periods of time.
For example I have a Wii, which is amazing! I play the game Just Dance (all of them!) For games like these, your body is the controller and you have to be up and moving around in order to play and receive points.

According to an online calorie calculator a child who dances (aerobic) for 10 minutes who weighs around 50 lbs will burn 22 calories in that time. That is just three songs!
If you do not have a Wii or Xbox with kinect, you can use YouTube to find some of the songs and play them through your phone or computer.
Other traditional video games can be played but should be kept at a minimum; so that children can attempt with other things in life and live active lifestyles.
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