This book is broken down into seven different chapters. Some of these chapters really spoke to me I have listed them below.
Chapter one is titled Redeemed by Love. In this chapter they have a quote written by a little boy named Daniel who is 8. I really love the fact that the quote is spelled exactly as this little boy wrote it! Children use inventive spelling all the time and we as professionals need to make sure that we can read and understand what the child is trying to say to us. If we do not they can get very frustrated and lose interest in reading, writing and spelling.
The main story in chapter one really shows how big of a difference a teacher can make in a child's life. There is a little boy Alex who is transformed from a trouble maker with reading, academic and social problems to a fluent reader with support and encouragement from the entire class. I really think this story is inspirational and is something that I know I will see when I have my own classroom.
Chapter Three is titled Remembered by a Child. In this story a teacher is shopping for groceries when a little boy comes and stands near her and runs away. Later on she sees the boy and his mother again, this time the little boy says that is the lady who saved my life. The teacher does not remember this little boy at first but then remembers that the day before he was walking in the hall with his teacher and he was choking on hard candy. Without hesitation this teacher picked him up loosening the candy from his throat so that he could breath. In the little boys eyes she really did save his life but in her eyes she was just doing her job by protecting and helping a child. This story was very meaningful to me yet again because it shows how something small can make the difference to that child.
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