It is national mobility month!
There are over 18 million people in the United States alone with mobility issues! The NMEDA is having a local heros contest. You can go on and view different people in the United States that have entered to try to win a custom wheelchair accessible van. To some of these individuals it can mean the world with out these vans some people are confined to their homes and not able to enjoy life like they should!
The National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association (NMEDA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to expanding mobility options for people with disabilities. The organization promotes and supports members engaged in the modification of quality transportation and wheelchair accessible vehicles. Over 600 international members work to provide safe and reliable adapted transportation solutions to help build the road to independence. Transportation is the key to freedom and NMEDA is the key to quality transportation.
I personally know one of these hero. A sweet 4 year old little boy whose family would benefit greatly if they could win one of these vans.
Please go on and vote! You can vote 1 time every day! (link below)
“A chance that something desirable will happen.” This is the definition of the word HOPE. That’s what I have for my son, Hope. It’s been a difficult life for Cayden, but you couldn't tell that from the incredible smile that shines so brightly from this little man’s face. He’s had a rough go from birth. Brain damage, failure to thrive, visual impairment, open heart surgery, stomach surgery, seizures, the list goes on. He’s had every test done to him you can imagine. from spinal taps to MRI’s every six months. he will be seeing specialists for the rest of his life. he is fed through a tube in his stomach, has a kid kart (wheelchair) to get around, and doesn't form words, doesn't crawl or walk. He takes more medication than most people have taken in their lives. And he’s only four years old. I don’t say this for sympathy, this is just some of his background. Cayden will be getting a new wheelchair this summer. Unfortunately, our current van can not access a larger wheelchair. I don’t know what we are going to do. So, my Hope is that you will find Cayden worthy of your vote. I Hope that the diagnosis is wrong, and someday he will walk. I Hope he knows the joy he brings to everyone’s life who has met him. And I Hope that one day I will be able to give him half the happiness he has given me. Thank you for reading, and God Bless.