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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Bulletproof Blankets

New Bulletproof Blankets Offer Safety in Schools

That's right! In case you haven't heard and Oklahoma inventor came up with the idea for a bullet resistant and tornado resistant. This blanket (seen above) can resist 90% of the types of guns used in past school shootings. 

I think this is a wonderful idea. We  need something to help protect our children when they are at school. School incidents have become too frequent and too many innocent children are being killed. However, these blankets are a little pricey they run around $1,000 per blanket. I am worried that all of the schools would not be able to afford them. Local businesses and the community could work together and fund-raise some of the money to help keep the children of their community safe. 

Once these blankets are bought the children need to practice with them several times. This would greatly help in the event of an intruder in the school. 

What are other ways we could keep our children safe in schools?

Start of something new

May 28th was my last day working in a daycare. It has been a very challenging time. I began working in daycare in 2010 since then I have known no other industry.

Working somewhere rather than a daycare is going to be very challenging for me. Working in the daycare has been the most rewarding job I have ever done. At ABCs the teachers were more than caregivers, we were part of the family. I have been so lucky to be able to watch some of these babies grow and turn into the wonderful preschoolers.

This summer I am taking a psychology class and this fall I have 3 classes left before I graduate. I am becoming nervous about my graduation. There are so many jobs I would like but I do not know where to start. I still would like to be involved with day-cares but I do not know which position I would like the best.